Distribution Contract for a DSC not as the Final Recipient

Below is the Application for the Provision of Fuel Gas Distribution Services through the Networks of Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o.o., the Application for a Single Distribution Order, the Commercial Distribution Report, the Collective Notification of Demand, and a template of the Distribution Contract for a DSC not as the Final Recipient, with attachments.
One Annex to the template of the Distribution Contract may be the Regulations on Establishing Collateral (Annex 2), constituting a template contract within the meaning of Article 384 and following the Civil Code, adopted and implemented on May 6, 2020, prepared in accordance with item 12.4.1 of the Distribution Network Code. In order to ensure non-discriminatory rules for the provision of distribution services by DSOs, these Terms and Conditions introduce transparent and uniform rules for all DSCs for establishing financial collateral to secure the DSO’s claims under the Distribution Contract. 

Before completing the application, please read the terms and conditions of the distribution service provided in the Distribution Network Code.