Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We are aware of the importance of the role we play both in the market environment and in relation to the natural environment and the local community. We take into account the principles of CSR in both the company’s development strategy and our daily activities. We understand CSR as the company’s readiness to take responsibility for its activities and the challenges and expectations of the environment.
CSR is the responsibility of an organization for the impact of its decisions and actions on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behavior that:
  • contributes to sustainable development, including the health and wellbeing of society;
  • takes into account the expectations of stakeholders;
  • complies with applicable law and is consistent with international standards of conduct;
  • is introduced throughout the organization and practiced in its activities within its sphere of influence and stakeholder relations.
CSR according to the ISO Guidance Standard on Social Responsibility – ISO26000:2010
We treat all stakeholders attentively, fairly, and equally, building lasting relationships and contributing to sustainable development together. We know that we are responsible for future generations, which is why we promote business activities that are economically valuable and at the same time environmentally friendly. In our activities, we take into account the recommendations of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In line with the company's adopted mission and vision, Polska Spółka Gazownictwa is gradually moving towards the achievement of global sustainable development goals. PSG's business plans also take into account the assumptions of the CSR Strategy of the Polska Spółka Gazownictwa. What does this mean? We have set CSR goals and targets for 2023 and 2024 based on the values that guide the company in its daily management. We have based our objectives, together with our defined values, on our core business areas, which are:
  • workplace safety and employee development, 
  • environmental protection (including commitments to optimise energy consumption), 
  • protection against fraud, 
  • responsible supply chain, 
  • guarantee of security and continuity of gas supply to customers, 
  • social commitment.
Ethical values are an integral part of the way business is done in Polska Spółka Gazownictwa. This comes from a belief that ethics in business translates into our company’s profitability.

We place great emphasis on compliance with the Code of Ethics which is in force in our company. This document is based on our core values and its main purpose is to build increasing awareness and to reduce the occurrence of ethically questionable situations. The Code sets out the values and ethical standards to be followed and complements the rules of conduct set out in applicable laws and internal regulations.

email: [email protected]
The Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Regulations define the anti-fraud and anti-corruption provisions constituting an internal control system to support the prevention of corruption and fraud. 

The Regulations define the tasks, powers, and responsibilities of the participants and describe the components of the anti-fraud and anti-corruption system. 

Furthermore, they include general guidelines for accepting and giving gifts, presents, and invitations to entertainment events, and thus supplement the Code of Ethics of Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o o.

Healthy business relationships translate into the company’s profitability. That is why we are constantly developing our relationships with stakeholders. We learn about their expectations during meetings, through regular employee and customer satisfaction surveys, and during investment implementation. In contact with our partners, we use service quality control programs, thereby reinforcing the sense of satisfaction among gas consumers and local communities.

We protect clients against abuse

We identify, analyze, and assess the risks associated with fraud in order to prevent it. We have a “Compliance Program” which defines the rules of building relationships with the users and potential users of the company’s distribution system. 

We apply responsibility in the supply chain

We organize market consultations in the form of technical dialogue, during which we identify problems and work out solutions together.

We analyze, monitor, and control the supply chain, and we care about the safe working conditions of our subcontractors. Thanks to these activities, we ensure that our business partners provide a high level of services.

We provide security and continuity of supply

The safety of gas users is our priority, which is why we educate them and introduce new technologies that enable even more effective and safer use of the distribution system. We conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys and improve the existing communication channels, and we train employees and provide them with tools to effectively respond to our customers’ needs.

We are sponsors

We support valuable nationwide and regional projects in the following areas: patriotic and historical events, ecology and environmental protection, social affairs, science and education, and sport and culture. PSG’s sponsorship is transparent which allows for effective promotion of the company’s activities.

We organize meetings with potential recipients

In addition to the situation when a customer visits our service centers, we also care about building relationships with our potential recipients. We hold regular meetings with residents and local government officials from even the smallest towns.

All strategic investments for gasifying municipalities start with a dialogue with the local community.

Best practices of an organization are valuable activities which are carried out in response to the needs of stakeholders, leading to above-average results. They also provide a benchmark for evaluating certain aspects of the company’s performance. Best practices refer to such methods of operation that are factors of the success of the organization, i.e., they contribute to the implementation of its tasks.

Sharing information about best practices inspires other organizations and sets a model to follow.