OSDW transport forecasts - Information Exchange Standard

Pursuant to the provisions of item 17 of the Instructions for the Operation and Maintenance of the Distribution Network (IRiESD), electronic exchange of information related to submitting transport forecasts and re-nominations to Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o.o. is based on:
  • EDI (edig @s 5.1), the basic standard for electronic data exchange;
  • and an alternative standard for data exchange (xlsx files). 

Transport forecasts files can be submitted as follows:

  • by sending the nomination in the form of an xml file in the edig@s 5.1 standard by AS4 (descriptions of the xml and xlsx standards are included in the downloads below),
  • by uploading the nomination via the eBOK portal - https://ebok.psgaz.pl

Please note that:

  • transport forecasts should be submitted in a separate line for each PoD (i.e. permanent contract, short-term contract),
  • re-nominations should only be submitted for a PoD, where there are changes in the previously approved nomination values,
  • information on the receipt and processing of OSDW transport forecast is provided by the ACKNOW and NOMRES messages.

When submitting transport forecasts/re-nominations, particular attention should be paid to the most frequent reasons forecasts are rejected:

  • non-compliance with file templates for submitting a transport forecast,
  • mismatches in the file name,
  • transferring corrupted files,
  • incorrect date – the date in the file name does not match the date contained in the file,
  • failure to comply with the provisions of Item 23.3.1 of the Distribution Network Code, keeping appropriate hours,
  • misconfiguration of xml files not compliant with edig@s 5.1 standard,
  • exceeding the contractual capacity,
  • sending renominations without modified values,
  • sending renominations with modified values for closed hours,
  • incorrect PoD number,
  • sending the transport forecast in a different data format than the provision of the Distribution Network Code, Item 23.3.1 CDSO refers to it (we accept transport forecasts/re-nominations in natural numbers),
  • transport forecasts transferred by individuals not included in the MUD (technical annex).

Access to the platform may be requested by persons listed in Annex 5, Table 1 B to the Distribution Agreement. 

Orders for access should be sent to [email protected], and the subject line of the message should be as follows: OSDW forecast – granting of rights. 

The following information should be provided in the order:

  • Full name
  • Name of the OSDW
  • Email address (should be in accordance with Annex No. 5, Table 1 B to the MUD - Inter-operator Distribution Agreement)
  • Access to the OSDW tile if the user is to have access to various agreements (e.g. ZUD/OSDW), please specify in this item.

The activation password is valid for 24 hours. Please log in to the portal and set your own password during this time.

Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o.o. enables edig@s 5.1/AS4 system-system communication.

Requests for system-system communication connection should be submitted to the following address: [email protected].

Problems regarding the submission of OSDW transport forecast should be reported to the following e-mail address [email protected] or to the Central Gas Dispatcher at telephone numbers 22 667 35 40, or 22 667 35 41.

For questions regarding the submission of transport forecasts, please contact to [email protected].

For any issues related to the operation of the eBOK portal, please contact  [email protected].

Please write "OSDW FORECAST" and include a further description of the problem in the subject line of your request.

Questions regarding the preparation of communication with PSG via the system-system communication (edig@s 5.1/AS4) should be sent to [email protected].