PSG Research Station

The research station of Polska Spółka Gazownictwa in Bielany Wrocławskie is the first LPG research station in Poland to operate within an active distribution network.
The station will enable research on gas industry devices and measurement technology under the real-life operating conditions of a gas network. As the largest Gas Distribution System Operator, due to the scale of its operations and its role in terms of responsibility for the development and safe and effective operation of the gas network, PSG especially strives to use the latest solutions from science and technology for the optimization of processes related to its core business.
Please be advised that Polska Spółka Gazownictwa provides the service of making the research station in Bielany Wrocławskie available to outside parties in order to conduct research and development or testing under the real-life conditions of an operational gas network.

Feel free to read the Terms and Conditions for the use of the PSG research station in Bielany Wrocławskie and its attachments.

Abstract of Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions governing the provision of the PSG research station in Bielany Wrocławskie contain the rules for submitting applications, general technical parameters of the research station, and a list of technical requirements that must be met by the devices tested at the station. Templates of the application form and the agreement, which contains the rules for using the research station, are attached to the Terms and Conditions.

The general requirements that must be met by users of the Research Station, the Station’s required technical parameters, and the rules for installing devices and conducting tests are presented in a separate instruction, entitled ‘General terms and conditions for the provision and use of the Research Station’, which may be made available at the applicant’s request.
Attention: starting 1 April 2021, a new price for the service was introduced. The price does not include value added tax (VAT). For that, the value added tax is calculated in accordance with the applicable provisions of tax law.

Detailed information on the provision of these services are provided upon sending an inquiry and contact details of the person concerned to a dedicated email address: [email protected].
Service name Service net price per month (in PLN)
Provision of the research station 19,151.00