FOR THE MEDIA • May 16, 2023

Regulatory change—Key to biomethane market development

The role and importance of biomethane in ensuring Poland's energy sovereignty were the main topics of a panel organised by Polska Spółka Gazownictwa during the 26th GAZTERM conference. The event was also attended by Jakub Kowalski, Board Member for PSG Operations.
The panel discussion focused on improving our country's energy security and enabling the achievement of EU decarbonisation goals. Biomethane is an alternative and renewable energy source that can help diversify Poland's energy mix.

“As Polska Spółka Gazownictwa, we are ready for biomethane to be transmitted through our networks, and we have been discussing it openly for some time. However, to fully utilise the potential of biomethane in ensuring Poland's energy sovereignty, we need an appropriate legal framework that will allow us to offer better conditions for the biomethane plants being established. Thus, the growth of the biomethane market depends on changes in regulations as well as financial measures that will improve the absorptive capacity of our network in places with the most significant potential for biomethane feedstock production”, said Jakub Kowalski, Board Member for Operations at Polska Spółka Gazownictwa.

Also taking part in the discussion were: Leszek Mańk – CEO PGNiG BioEvolution, Artur Michalski – Deputy CEO NFOŚiGW, Marek Pituła –Polish Biomethane Association CEO, Bogusław Regulski – IGCP Deputy CEO and Prof. Jacek Dach from the Department of Biosystems Engineering at Poznań University of Life Sciences.