FOR THE MEDIA • October 9, 2023

PSG expands network in Wyszków County

Polska Spółka Gazownictwa has launched two projects in Wyszków County. The next stage of gasification of the Zabrodzie municipality as well as the construction of a network in Gulczewo have begun. The total cost of the two projects is about PLN 5.5 million.
As part of the first project, Polska Spółka Gazownictwa will build about 14 km of gas network, and more than 1,000 residents of Niegów, Dębinki, Wysychy, and Lipiny in the Zabrodzie municipality, as well as public buildings such as a school and the Cyprian Norwid Museum in Dębinki, will gain access to gas fuel.

As part of the gasification of Gulczewo, about 16 km of gas network will be constructed, half of which will be built later this year, and about 1,000 residents will gain access to gas fuel.