FOR THE MEDIA • June 22, 2021

PSG Management Board Member at OSE 2021 in Gdańsk

On 21 June this year, Jakub Kowalski, PSG Management Board Member for Operations took part in the discussion panel “Electricity, liquid fuels, and gas market” held under the OSE 2021 National Energy Summit in Gdańsk.
Summing up the last year, he said that it was a record-breaking year for Polska Spółka Gazownictwa. “In 2020, we had a record number of connections for residential and business customers and a record volume of distributed gas,” he said during the Polish National Energy Summit.

“Last year also showed us that a real winter with low temperatures can bring problems in many areas. In some places, we had to emergency refill with gas, using regasification stations. This way, we can plan the development of LNG gasification very carefully. We have to plan it wisely as it may give us a false sense of security when the frost comes and gas consumption rises,” he said.

He also indicated PSG’s priorities for the coming years. “Continuous development of the distribution network is our priority. In May 2021, we recorded a 43 per cent increase in applications for connection to the gas network as compared to May 2020. This is the case in all customer groups. So, we are installing connections in many places. However, we also have a record increase in refusals. This is because the investment costs for the distribution network expansion have significantly increased. In addition, we have a limited number of contractors, increasing investment needs, increasing problems, and more limitations,” he explained.
For the customer

Connection portal Tariff Change of fuel gas supplier

For the supplier

Distribution Network Code Distribution Contract ORCS map and gas quality

About PSG

Strategy Investment International cooperation


When gas is leaking Gas Network Security Safety of Natural Gas Users

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