FOR THE MEDIA • October 4, 2023

PSG completes a key project for Gorzów Wielkopolski

On 3 October, a ceremony was held in Gorzów Wielkopolski to mark the completion of the Gorzów Wielkopolski-Kostrzyn nad Odrą gas pipeline construction project.
The project is crucial for the region, in terms of both energy security and regional development. Until recently, gas had been supplied to Gorzów Wielkopolski from only one direction. PSG undertook this project to avoid the consequences of possible supply disruptions. Already in 2020, the Company completed the first stage of the project, which included the construction of the Gorzow II reduction and measurement station with a capacity of 10,000 Nm3/h. As a result, Gorzów benefits from gas supplied from two directions, while the implementation of the entire project is aimed at increasing security and continuity of supply in the northwestern part of Lubuskie Voivodeship.

The launch of the pipeline is also important for businesses operating in the region, and for local governments to attract new investment. The project, implemented by the Gas Works Branch in Gorzów Wielkopolski, is aimed precisely at increasing access to the gas distribution network in the industrial-investment zones of the Gorzów Wielkopolski and Kostrzyn nad Odrą area (Kostrzyń-Słubice Special Economic Zone).

The project significantly improves gas supply security and availability in Gorzów County. Its implementation was accompanied by an upgrade that replaced the high-pressure pipeline from 1986. The pipeline is 43 km long, and the station can pump 10,000 m3 of gas per hour, providing gas fuel for Gorzów, Kłodawa, Lubiszyn, and Kostrzyn.

The investment project was carried out under the Operational Programme for Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020, Measure 7.1 Development of intelligent storage, transmission and distribution systems, priority axis VII – Assuring energy security, stability, and the continuity of supply.